About Us
Align Costs With Strategy And Focus On Growth
Raamul International Limited is principally engaged in surface /stripping mining and trading in gypsum natural rock lumps, within the Republic of Kenya.
The company core operations are fully fledged surface mining /stripping mining with an expectation to grow into a leading player in supplying of industrial mineral materials which include but not limited to gypsum rock lumps, limestone ore for local and export markets. In the long term planning the company shall invest in gypsum powder production line, gypsum wallboards production line with capacity to operate 24/7 mining processing at a rate of 160 tonnes per hour.
The company has over 7000 acres of proven gypsum reserves. The previous operator was the biggest exclusive supplier to LaFarge Bamburi for over 10 years.
The Company places great emphasis on the use of new technology and policies to safeguard company employees in its mines. The company intends to have one of the most comprehensive and advanced information control system in its mines that not only incorporates an emergency warning system but also tracks the movement of individual within the mining operations, and enables them to communicate with the surface control room through wireless technology. The company has so far established a wide network of its customers in the within the country and outside the country.

The company aim to strengthen its commitment towards our clients, the society and the environment; further to that aim to contribute to the development of the industrial building materials in order to achieve a clear vision that can strengthen our structure and enrich the building experience of end-users.
The Company’s Vision is to be the pioneer surface mining / stripping mining operations and supplier of Industrial Mineral Materials that transforms resources into modern and environmentally responsible industrial mineral products supplied like gypsum-based solutions.
Striving for perfection
Along with acquisitions of our own mining rights and company culture, the success of the company boils down to quality products. The company has created a system that assures every possible measure is taken into account to maintain a consistent and high level of product quality.
The company thoroughly tests deposit sites to ensure the resultant ore is up to par and suitable for use. In addition, selective mining techniques are utilized to ensure recovery of gypsum ore, limestone ore, and others industrial mineral materials are maximized like
contaminants and substandard rock lumps are prevented and discarded. Additionally, the company controls all aspect of mining, processing and packaging operations. This guarantees a high level of quality and product confidence along with customer satisfaction.